Modifier in Compose Ui
Declare a just-in-time composition of a [Modifier] that will be composed for each element it modifies. [composed] may be used to implement stateful modifiers that have instance-specific state for each modified element, allowing the same [Modifier] instance to be safely reused for multiple elements while maintaining element-specific state.
If [inspectorInfo] is specified this modifier will be visible to tools during development. Specify the name and arguments of the original modifier.
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun Modifier.composed(
inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit = NoInspectorInfo,
factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier
): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(
fullyQualifiedName: String,
key1: Any?,
inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit = NoInspectorInfo,
factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier
): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(
fullyQualifiedName: String,
key1: Any?,
key2: Any?,
inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit = NoInspectorInfo,
factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier
): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(
fullyQualifiedName: String,
key1: Any?,
key2: Any?,
key3: Any?,
inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit = NoInspectorInfo,
factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier
): Modifier
fun Modifier.composed(
fullyQualifiedName: String,
vararg keys: Any?,
inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit = NoInspectorInfo,
factory: @Composable Modifier.() -> Modifier
): Modifier
Code Examples
fun InspectorInfoInComposedModifierSample() {
// let's create your own custom stateful modifier
fun Modifier.myColorModifier(color: Color) =
// pass inspector information for debug
inspectorInfo =
debugInspectorInfo {
// name should match the name of the modifier
name = "myColorModifier"
// specify a single argument as the value when the argument name is irrelevant
value = color
// pass your modifier implementation that resolved per modified element
factory = {
// add your modifier implementation here
fun InspectorInfoInComposedModifierWithArgumentsSample() {
// let's create your own custom stateful modifier with multiple arguments
fun Modifier.myModifier(width: Dp, height: Dp, color: Color) =
// pass inspector information for debug
inspectorInfo =
debugInspectorInfo {
// name should match the name of the modifier
name = "myModifier"
// add name and value of each argument
properties["width"] = width
properties["height"] = height
properties["color"] = color
// pass your modifier implementation that resolved per modified element
factory = {
// add your modifier implementation here