Component in Compose Ui
Opens a dialog with the given content.
A dialog is a small window that prompts the user to make a decision or enter additional information. A dialog does not fill the screen and is normally used for modal events that require users to take an action before they can proceed.
The dialog is visible as long as it is part of the composition hierarchy. In order to let the user dismiss the Dialog, the implementation of [onDismissRequest] should contain a way to remove the dialog from the composition hierarchy.
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun Dialog(
onDismissRequest: () -> Unit,
properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties(),
content: @Composable () -> Unit
name | description |
onDismissRequest | Executes when the user tries to dismiss the dialog. |
properties | [DialogProperties] for further customization of this dialog's behavior. |
content | The content to be displayed inside the dialog. |
fun Dialog(
onDismissRequest: () -> Unit,
properties: DialogProperties,
content: @Composable () -> Unit
name | description |
onDismissRequest | Executes when the user tries to dismiss the dialog. |
properties | [DialogProperties] for further customization of this dialog's behavior. |
content | The content to be displayed inside the dialog. |
Code Example
fun DialogSample() {
val openDialog = remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
val dialogWidth = 200.dp
val dialogHeight = 50.dp
if (openDialog.value) {
Dialog(onDismissRequest = { openDialog.value = false }) {
// Draw a rectangle shape with rounded corners inside the dialog
Box(Modifier.size(dialogWidth, dialogHeight).background(Color.White))