Component in Compose Ui
Defines a group of [Path]s and other [Group]s inside a [VectorPainter]. This is not a regular UI composable, it can only be called inside composables called from the content parameter to [rememberVectorPainter].
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun Group(
name: String = DefaultGroupName,
rotation: Float = DefaultRotation,
pivotX: Float = DefaultPivotX,
pivotY: Float = DefaultPivotY,
scaleX: Float = DefaultScaleX,
scaleY: Float = DefaultScaleY,
translationX: Float = DefaultTranslationX,
translationY: Float = DefaultTranslationY,
clipPathData: List<PathNode> = EmptyPath,
content: @Composable @VectorComposable () -> Unit
name | description |
name | Optional name of the group used when describing the vector as a string. |
rotation | The rotation of the group around the Z axis, in degrees. |
pivotX | The horizontal pivot point used for rotation, in pixels. |
pivotY | The vertical pivot point used for rotation, in pixels. |
scaleX | Factor to scale the group by horizontally. |
scaleY | Factor to scale the group by vertically. |
translationX | Horizontal offset of the group, in pixels. |
translationY | Vertical offset of the group, in pixels. |
clipPathData | A list of [PathNode]s that define how to clip the group. Empty by default. |
content | A composable that defines the contents of the group. |