Component in Compose Ui
Intercept all calls to [PlatformTextInputSession.startInputMethod] from below where this composition local is provided with the given [PlatformTextInputInterceptor].
If a different interceptor instance is passed between compositions while a text input session is active, the upstream session will be torn down and restarted with the new interceptor. The downstream session (i.e. the call to [PlatformTextInputSession.startInputMethod]) will not be cancelled and the request will be re-used to pass to the new interceptor.
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun InterceptPlatformTextInput(
interceptor: PlatformTextInputInterceptor,
content: @Composable () -> Unit
Code Examples
fun InterceptPlatformTextInputSample() {
var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
interceptor = { request, nextHandler ->
// Create a new request to wrap the incoming one with some custom logic.
val modifiedRequest =
object : PlatformTextInputMethodRequest {
override fun createInputConnection(outAttributes: EditorInfo): InputConnection {
val inputConnection = request.createInputConnection(outAttributes)
// After the original request finishes initializing the EditorInfo we can
// customize it. If we needed to we could also wrap the InputConnection
// before
// returning it.
return inputConnection
fun updateEditorInfo(outAttributes: EditorInfo) {
// Your code here, e.g. set some custom properties.
// Send our wrapping request to the next handler, which could be the system or another
// interceptor up the tree.
) {
BasicTextField(value = text, onValueChange = { text = it })
fun disableSoftKeyboardSample() {
* A function that disables the soft keyboard for any text field within its content.
* The keyboard is re-enabled by removing this modifier or passing `disable = false`.
fun DisableSoftKeyboard(disable: Boolean = true, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
interceptor = { request, nextHandler ->
// If this flag is changed while an input session is active, a new lambda instance
// that captures the new value will be passed to InterceptPlatformTextInput, which
// will automatically cancel the session upstream and restart it with this new
// interceptor.
if (!disable) {
// Forward the request to the system.
} else {
// This function has to return Nothing, and since we don't have any work to do
// in this case, we just suspend until cancelled.
content = content