Modifier in Compose Foundation Layout
Offset the content by ([x] dp, [y] dp). The offsets can be positive as well as non-positive. Applying an offset only changes the position of the content, without interfering with its size measurement.
This modifier will automatically adjust the horizontal offset according to the layout direction: when the layout direction is LTR, positive [x] offsets will move the content to the right and when the layout direction is RTL, positive [x] offsets will move the content to the left. For a modifier that offsets without considering layout direction, see [absoluteOffset].
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun Modifier.offset(x: Dp = 0.dp, y: Dp = 0.dp)
fun Modifier.offset(offset: Density.() -> IntOffset)
Code Examples
fun OffsetModifier() {
// This text will be offset (10.dp, 20.dp) from the center of the available space. In the
// right-to-left context, the offset will be (-10.dp, 20.dp).
"Layout offset modifier sample",
Modifier.fillMaxSize().wrapContentSize(Alignment.Center).offset(10.dp, 20.dp)
fun OffsetPxModifier() {
// This text will be offset in steps of 10.dp from the top left of the available space in
// left-to-right context, and from top right in right-to-left context.
var offset by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
"Layout offset modifier sample",
Modifier.clickable { offset += 10 }.offset { IntOffset(offset, offset) }