Modifier in Compose Foundation Layout
Declare the size of the content to be exactly [size]dp width and height. The incoming measurement [Constraints] will not override this value. If the content chooses a size that does not satisfy the incoming [Constraints], the parent layout will be reported a size coerced in the [Constraints], and the position of the content will be automatically offset to be centered on the space assigned to the child by the parent layout under the assumption that [Constraints] were respected.
See [requiredSizeIn] to set a size range. See [size] to set a preferred size, which is only respected when the incoming constraints allow it.
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun Modifier.requiredSize(size: Dp)
fun Modifier.requiredSize(width: Dp, height: Dp)
fun Modifier.requiredSize(size: DpSize)
Code Example
fun SimpleRequiredSizeModifier() {
// The result is a 50.dp x 50.dp red box centered in a 100.dp x 100.dp space.
// Note that although a previous modifier asked it to be 100.dp x 100.dp, this
// will not be respected. They would be respected if size was used instead of requiredSize.
Box(Modifier.requiredSize(100.dp, 100.dp).requiredSize(50.dp, 50.dp).background(Color.Red))