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Modifier in Compose Foundation Layout

Declare the preferred width of the content to be the same as the min or max intrinsic width of the content. The incoming measurement [Constraints] may override this value, forcing the content to be either smaller or larger.

See [height] for options of sizing to intrinsic height. Also see [width] and [widthIn] for other options to set the preferred width.

Last updated:


dependencies {


fun Modifier.width(intrinsicSize: IntrinsicSize)
fun Modifier.width(width: Dp)

Code Examples


fun SameWidthBoxes() {
    // Builds a layout containing three Box having the same width as the widest one.
    // Here width min intrinsic is adding a width premeasurement pass for the
    // Column, whose minimum intrinsic width will correspond to the preferred width of the largest
    // Box. Then width min intrinsic will measure the Column with tight width, the
    // same as the premeasured minimum intrinsic width, which due to fillMaxWidth will force
    // the Box's to use the same width.
    Box {
        Column(Modifier.width(IntrinsicSize.Min).fillMaxHeight()) {
            Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().size(20.dp, 10.dp).background(Color.Gray))
            Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().size(30.dp, 10.dp).background(Color.Blue))
            Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().size(10.dp, 10.dp).background(Color.Magenta))


fun SameWidthTextBoxes() {
    // Builds a layout containing three Text boxes having the same width as the widest one.
    // Here width max intrinsic is adding a width premeasurement pass for the Column,
    // whose maximum intrinsic width will correspond to the preferred width of the largest
    // Box. Then width max intrinsic will measure the Column with tight width, the
    // same as the premeasured maximum intrinsic width, which due to fillMaxWidth modifiers will
    // force the Boxs to use the same width.

    Box {
        Column(Modifier.width(IntrinsicSize.Max).fillMaxHeight()) {
            Box(Modifier.fillMaxWidth().background(Color.Gray)) { Text("Short text") }
            Box(Modifier.fillMaxWidth().background(Color.Blue)) {
                Text("Extremely long text giving the width of its siblings")
            Box(Modifier.fillMaxWidth().background(Color.Magenta)) { Text("Medium length text") }


fun SimpleWidthModifier() {
    Box { Box(Modifier.width(100.dp).aspectRatio(1f).background(Color.Magenta)) }
by @alexstyl