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Modifier in Compose Foundation Layout

Allow the content to measure at its desired height without regard for the incoming measurement [minimum height constraint][Constraints.minHeight], and, if [unbounded] is true, also without regard for the incoming measurement [maximum height constraint][Constraints.maxHeight]. If the content's measured size is smaller than the minimum height constraint, [align] it within that minimum height space. If the content's measured size is larger than the maximum height constraint (only possible when [unbounded] is true), [align] over the maximum height space.

Last updated:


dependencies {


fun Modifier.wrapContentHeight(
    align: Alignment.Vertical = Alignment.CenterVertically,
    unbounded: Boolean = false

Code Example


fun SimpleWrapContentVerticallyAlignedModifier() {
    // Here the result will be a 50.dp x 20.dp blue box centered vertically in a 50.dp x 50.dp
    // space. Because of the size modifier, if wrapContentHeight did not exist,
    // the blue rectangle would actually be 50.dp x 50.dp to satisfy the size set by the modifier.
    // However, because we provide wrapContentHeight, the blue rectangle is specified to be wrap
    // content in height - if the desired height is smaller than 50.dp, it will be centered
    // vertically in this space. Therefore the 50.dp x 20.dp is centered vertically in the space.
by @alexstyl