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Component in Compose Foundation

Horizontal staggered grid layout that composes and lays out only items currently visible on screen.

Last updated:


dependencies {


fun LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid(
    rows: StaggeredGridCells,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    state: LazyStaggeredGridState = rememberLazyStaggeredGridState(),
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp),
    reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
    verticalArrangement: Arrangement.Vertical = Arrangement.spacedBy(0.dp),
    horizontalItemSpacing: Dp = 0.dp,
    flingBehavior: FlingBehavior = ScrollableDefaults.flingBehavior(),
    userScrollEnabled: Boolean = true,
    overscrollEffect: OverscrollEffect? = rememberOverscrollEffect(),
    content: LazyStaggeredGridScope.() -> Unit


rowsdescription of the size and number of staggered grid columns.
modifiermodifier to apply to the layout.
statestate object that can be used to control and observe staggered grid state.
contentPaddingpadding around the content.
reverseLayoutreverse the direction of scrolling and layout. When true, items are laid out in the reverse order and [LazyStaggeredGridState.firstVisibleItemIndex] == 0 means that grid is scrolled to the end.
verticalArrangementarrangement specifying vertical spacing between items. The item arrangement specifics are ignored for now.
horizontalItemSpacinghorizontal spacing between items.
flingBehaviorlogic responsible for handling fling.
userScrollEnabledwhether scroll with gestures or accessibility actions are allowed. It is still possible to scroll programmatically through state when [userScrollEnabled] is set to false
overscrollEffectthe [OverscrollEffect] that will be used to render overscroll for this layout. Note that the [OverscrollEffect.node] will be applied internally as well - you do not need to use Modifier.overscroll separately.
contenta lambda describing the staggered grid content. Inside this block you can use [LazyStaggeredGridScope.items] to present list of items or [LazyStaggeredGridScope.item] for a single one.
@Deprecated("Use the non deprecated overload", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
fun LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid(
    rows: StaggeredGridCells,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    state: LazyStaggeredGridState = rememberLazyStaggeredGridState(),
    contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp),
    reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
    verticalArrangement: Arrangement.Vertical = Arrangement.spacedBy(0.dp),
    horizontalItemSpacing: Dp = 0.dp,
    flingBehavior: FlingBehavior = ScrollableDefaults.flingBehavior(),
    userScrollEnabled: Boolean = true,
    content: LazyStaggeredGridScope.() -> Unit

Code Examples


fun LazyHorizontalStaggeredGridSample() {
    val itemsList = (0..5).toList()
    val itemsIndexedList = listOf("A", "B", "C")

    val itemModifier = Modifier.border(1.dp, Color.Blue).padding(16.dp).wrapContentSize()

    LazyHorizontalStaggeredGrid(rows = StaggeredGridCells.Fixed(3)) {
        items(itemsList) { Text("Item is $it", itemModifier) }
        item { Text("Single item", itemModifier) }
        itemsIndexed(itemsIndexedList) { index, item ->
            Text("Item at index $index is $item", itemModifier)


fun LazyHorizontalStaggeredGridSpanSample() {
    val sections = (0 until 25).toList().chunked(5)
        rows = StaggeredGridCells.Fixed(3),
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(16.dp),
        horizontalItemSpacing = 16.dp
    ) {
        sections.forEachIndexed { index, items ->
            item(span = StaggeredGridItemSpan.FullLine) {
                    "This is section $index",
                    Modifier.border(1.dp, Color.Gray).padding(16.dp).wrapContentSize()
                // not required as it is the default
                span = { StaggeredGridItemSpan.SingleLane }
            ) {
                Text("Item $it", Modifier.border(1.dp, Color.Blue).width(80.dp).wrapContentSize())
by @alexstyl