Component in Jetpack Glance
Intended to fill the role of secondary icon button. Background color may be null to have the button display as an icon with a 48x48dp hit area.
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun CircleIconButton(
imageProvider: ImageProvider,
contentDescription: String?,
onClick: () -> Unit,
modifier: GlanceModifier = GlanceModifier,
enabled: Boolean = true,
backgroundColor: ColorProvider? = GlanceTheme.colors.background,
contentColor: ColorProvider = GlanceTheme.colors.onSurface,
key: String? = null
name | description |
imageProvider | the icon to be drawn in the button |
contentDescription | Text used by accessibility services to describe what this imagerepresents. This text should be localized, such as by usingandroidx.compose.ui.res.stringResource or similar |
onClick | The action to be performed when this button is clicked. |
modifier | The modifier to be applied to this button. |
enabled | If false, the button will not be clickable. |
backgroundColor | The color to tint the button's background. May be null to make backgroundtransparent. |
contentColor | The color to tint the button's icon. |
key | A stable and unique key that identifies the action for this button. This ensuresthat the correct action is triggered, especially in cases of items that change order. If notprovided we use the key that is automatically generated by the Compose runtime, which is uniquefor every exact code location in the composition tree. |
fun CircleIconButton(
imageProvider: ImageProvider,
contentDescription: String?,
onClick: Action,
modifier: GlanceModifier = GlanceModifier,
enabled: Boolean = true,
backgroundColor: ColorProvider? = GlanceTheme.colors.background,
contentColor: ColorProvider = GlanceTheme.colors.onSurface,
name | description |
imageProvider | the icon to be drawn in the button |
contentDescription | Text used by accessibility services to describe what this imagerepresents. This text should be localized, such as by usingandroidx.compose.ui.res.stringResource or similar |
onClick | The action to be performed when this button is clicked. |
modifier | The modifier to be applied to this button. |
enabled | If false, the button will not be clickable. |
backgroundColor | The color to tint the button's background. May be null to make backgroundtransparent. |
contentColor | The color to tint the button's icon. |