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Component in Material 3 Compose

Elevated cards contain content and actions that relate information about a subject. They have a drop shadow, providing more separation from the background than filled cards, but less than outlined cards.

This ElevatedCard does not handle input events - see the other ElevatedCard overloads if you want a clickable or selectable ElevatedCard.

Elevated card

Last updated:


dependencies {


fun ElevatedCard(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    shape: Shape = CardDefaults.elevatedShape,
    colors: CardColors = CardDefaults.elevatedCardColors(),
    elevation: CardElevation = CardDefaults.elevatedCardElevation(),
    content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit


modifierthe [Modifier] to be applied to this card
shapedefines the shape of this card's container and shadow (when using [elevation])
colors[CardColors] that will be used to resolve the color(s) used for this card in different states. See [CardDefaults.elevatedCardElevation].
elevation[CardElevation] used to resolve the elevation for this card in different states. This controls the size of the shadow below the card. Additionally, when the container color is [ColorScheme.surface], this controls the amount of primary color applied as an overlay. See also: [Surface].
contentThe content displayed on the card
fun ElevatedCard(
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    shape: Shape = CardDefaults.elevatedShape,
    colors: CardColors = CardDefaults.elevatedCardColors(),
    elevation: CardElevation = CardDefaults.elevatedCardElevation(),
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
    content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit


onClickcalled when this card is clicked
modifierthe [Modifier] to be applied to this card
enabledcontrols the enabled state of this card. When false, this component will not respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to accessibility services.
shapedefines the shape of this card's container and shadow (when using [elevation])
colors[CardColors] that will be used to resolve the color(s) used for this card in different states. See [CardDefaults.elevatedCardElevation].
elevation[CardElevation] used to resolve the elevation for this card in different states. This controls the size of the shadow below the card. Additionally, when the container color is [ColorScheme.surface], this controls the amount of primary color applied as an overlay. See also: [Surface].
interactionSourcean optional hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and emitting [Interaction]s for this card. You can use this to change the card's appearance or preview the card in different states. Note that if null is provided, interactions will still happen internally.
contentThe content displayed on the card

Code Examples


fun ElevatedCardSample() {
    ElevatedCard(Modifier.size(width = 180.dp, height = 100.dp)) {
        Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) { Text("Card content", Modifier.align(Alignment.Center)) }


fun ClickableElevatedCardSample() {
        onClick = { /* Do something */ },
        modifier = Modifier.size(width = 180.dp, height = 100.dp)
    ) {
        Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) { Text("Clickable", Modifier.align(Alignment.Center)) }
by @alexstyl