Component in Material 3 Compose
[ExpandedFullScreenSearchBar] represents a search bar that is currently expanding or in the expanded state, showing search results. This component is displayed in a new full-screen dialog. If this expansion behavior is undesirable, for example on medium or large screens such as tablets, [ExpandedDockedSearchBar] can be used instead.
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun ExpandedFullScreenSearchBar(
state: SearchBarState,
inputField: @Composable () -> Unit,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
collapsedShape: Shape = SearchBarDefaults.inputFieldShape,
colors: SearchBarColors = SearchBarDefaults.colors(),
tonalElevation: Dp = SearchBarDefaults.TonalElevation,
shadowElevation: Dp = SearchBarDefaults.ShadowElevation,
windowInsets: @Composable () -> WindowInsets = { SearchBarDefaults.fullScreenWindowInsets },
properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties(),
content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit,
name | description |
state | the state of the search bar. This state should also be passed to the [inputField] and the collapsed search bar. |
inputField | the input field of this search bar that allows entering a query, typically a [SearchBarDefaults.InputField]. |
modifier | the [Modifier] to be applied to this expanded search bar. |
collapsedShape | the shape of the search bar when it is collapsed. When fully expanded, the shape will always be [SearchBarDefaults.fullScreenShape]. |
colors | [SearchBarColors] that will be used to resolve the colors used for this search bar in different states. See [SearchBarDefaults.colors]. |
tonalElevation | when [SearchBarColors.containerColor] is [ColorScheme.surface], a translucent primary color overlay is applied on top of the container. A higher tonal elevation value will result in a darker color in light theme and lighter color in dark theme. See also: [Surface]. |
shadowElevation | the elevation for the shadow below this search bar. |
windowInsets | the window insets that this search bar will respect when expanded. |
properties | the platform-specific properties to configure the dialog's behavior. Any properties which limit the dialog's size (e.g. [DialogProperties.usePlatformDefaultWidth]) are ignored. |
content | the content of this search bar to display search results below the [inputField]. |
Code Example
fun FullScreenSearchBarScaffoldSample() {
val textFieldState = rememberTextFieldState()
val searchBarState = rememberSearchBarState()
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val scrollBehavior = SearchBarDefaults.enterAlwaysSearchBarScrollBehavior()
val inputField =
@Composable {
modifier = Modifier,
searchBarState = searchBarState,
textFieldState = textFieldState,
onSearch = { scope.launch { searchBarState.animateToCollapsed() } },
placeholder = { Text("Search...") },
leadingIcon = {
if (searchBarState.currentValue == SearchBarValue.Expanded) {
onClick = { scope.launch { searchBarState.animateToCollapsed() } }
) {
Icon(Icons.AutoMirrored.Default.ArrowBack, contentDescription = "Back")
} else {
Icon(Icons.Default.Search, contentDescription = null)
trailingIcon = { Icon(Icons.Default.MoreVert, contentDescription = null) },
modifier = Modifier.nestedScroll(scrollBehavior.nestedScrollConnection),
topBar = {
scrollBehavior = scrollBehavior,
state = searchBarState,
inputField = inputField,
state = searchBarState,
inputField = inputField,
) {
onResultClick = { result ->
scope.launch { searchBarState.animateToCollapsed() }
) { padding ->
contentPadding = padding,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(8.dp),
) {
val list = List(100) { "Text $it" }
items(count = list.size) {
text = list[it],
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().padding(horizontal = 16.dp),