Component in Material 3 Compose
Progress indicators express an unspecified wait time or display the duration of a process.

Last updated:
dependencies {
fun LinearWavyProgressIndicator(
progress: () -> Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.indicatorColor,
trackColor: Color = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.trackColor,
stroke: Stroke = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearIndicatorStroke,
trackStroke: Stroke = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackStroke,
gapSize: Dp = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearIndicatorTrackGapSize,
stopSize: Dp = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearTrackStopIndicatorSize,
amplitude: (progress: Float) -> Float = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.indicatorAmplitude,
wavelength: Dp = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearDeterminateWavelength,
waveSpeed: Dp = wavelength // Match to 1 wavelength per second
name | description |
progress | the progress of this progress indicator, where 0.0 represents no progress and 1.0 represents full progress. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range. |
modifier | the [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator |
color | the progress indicator color |
trackColor | the indicator's track color, visible when the progress has not reached the area of the overall indicator yet |
stroke | a [Stroke] that will be used to draw this indicator |
trackStroke | a [Stroke] that will be used to draw the indicator's track |
gapSize | the gap between the track and the progress parts of the indicator |
stopSize | the size of the stop indicator at the end of the track. Note that the stop indicator is required if the track has a contrast below 3:1 with its container or the surface behind the container. |
amplitude | a lambda that provides an amplitude for the wave path as a function of the indicator's progress. 0.0 represents no amplitude, and 1.0 represents an amplitude that will take the full height of the progress indicator. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range. |
wavelength | the length of a wave. Will be applied in case the path has an [amplitude] that is greater than zero and represents a wave. |
waveSpeed | the speed in which the wave will move when the [amplitude] is greater than zero. The value here represents a DP per seconds, and by default it's matched to the [wavelength] to render an animation that moves the wave by one wave length per second. |
fun LinearWavyProgressIndicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
color: Color = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.indicatorColor,
trackColor: Color = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.trackColor,
stroke: Stroke = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearIndicatorStroke,
trackStroke: Stroke = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackStroke,
gapSize: Dp = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearIndicatorTrackGapSize,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) amplitude: Float = 1f,
wavelength: Dp = WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearIndeterminateWavelength,
waveSpeed: Dp = wavelength // Match to 1 wavelength per second
name | description |
modifier | the [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator |
color | the progress indicator color |
trackColor | the indicator's track color, visible when the progress has not reached the area of the overall indicator yet |
stroke | a [Stroke] that will be used to draw this indicator |
trackStroke | a [Stroke] that will be used to draw the indicator's track |
gapSize | the gap between the track and the progress parts of the indicator |
amplitude | the wave's amplitude. 0.0 represents no amplitude, and 1.0 represents an amplitude that will take the full height of the progress indicator. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range. |
wavelength | the length of a wave |
waveSpeed | the speed in which the wave will move when the [amplitude] is greater than zero. The value here represents a DP per seconds, and by default it's matched to the [wavelength] to render an animation that moves the wave by one wave length per second. |
Code Examples
fun LinearWavyProgressIndicatorSample() {
var progress by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(0.1f) }
val animatedProgress by
targetValue = progress,
animationSpec = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.ProgressAnimationSpec
Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
progress = { animatedProgress },
Text("Set progress:")
modifier = Modifier.width(300.dp),
value = progress,
valueRange = 0f..1f,
onValueChange = { progress = it },
fun LinearThickWavyProgressIndicatorSample() {
var progress by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(0.1f) }
val animatedProgress by
targetValue = progress,
animationSpec = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.ProgressAnimationSpec
val thickStrokeWidth = with(LocalDensity.current) { 8.dp.toPx() }
val thickStroke =
remember(thickStrokeWidth) { Stroke(width = thickStrokeWidth, cap = StrokeCap.Round) }
Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
progress = { animatedProgress },
// Thick height is slightly higher than the
// WavyProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearContainerHeight default
modifier = Modifier.height(14.dp),
stroke = thickStroke,
trackStroke = thickStroke,
Text("Set progress:")
modifier = Modifier.width(300.dp),
value = progress,
valueRange = 0f..1f,
onValueChange = { progress = it },
fun IndeterminateLinearWavyProgressIndicatorSample() {
Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { LinearWavyProgressIndicator() }