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Component in Tv Material Compose

[WideCardContainer] is an opinionated TV Material Card layout with an image and text content to show information about a subject.

It provides a horizontal layout with an image card slot at the start, followed by the title, subtitle and description at the end.

Wide Card

Last updated:


dependencies {


fun WideCardContainer(
    imageCard: @Composable (interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource) -> Unit,
    title: @Composable () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    subtitle: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    description: @Composable () -> Unit = {},
    contentColor: CardContainerColors = CardContainerDefaults.contentColor(),
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }


imageCarddefines the [Composable] to be used for the image card.
titledefines the [Composable] title placed below the image card in the CardContainer.
modifierthe [Modifier] to be applied to this CardContainer.
subtitledefines the [Composable] supporting text placed below the title in CardContainer.
descriptiondefines the [Composable] description placed below the subtitle in CardContainer.
contentColor[CardContainerColors] defines the content color used in the CardContainer for different interaction states. See [CardContainerDefaults.contentColor].
interactionSourcea hoisted [MutableInteractionSource] for observing and emitting [Interaction]s for this CardContainer. This interaction source param would also be forwarded to be used with the imageCard composable.

Code Example


fun WideCardContainerSample() {
        modifier = Modifier.size(180.dp, 100.dp),
        imageCard = { interactionSource ->
            Card(onClick = {}, interactionSource = interactionSource) {
                Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(90.dp).background(Color.Blue))
        title = { Text("Wide Card", Modifier.padding(start = 8.dp)) },
by @alexstyl