Component in Wear Material 3 Compose
Creates a [LevelIndicator] for screens that that control a setting such as volume with either rotating side button, rotating bezel or a [Stepper].
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun LevelIndicator(
value: () -> Float,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
valueRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float> = 0f..1f,
enabled: Boolean = true,
colors: LevelIndicatorColors = LevelIndicatorDefaults.colors(),
strokeWidth: Dp = LevelIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth,
sweepAngle: Float = LevelIndicatorDefaults.SweepAngle,
reverseDirection: Boolean = false,
name | description |
value | Value of the indicator in the [valueRange]. |
modifier | Modifier to be applied to the component |
valueRange | range of values that [value] can take |
enabled | Controls the enabled state of [LevelIndicator] - when false, disabled colors will be used. |
colors | [LevelIndicatorColors] that will be used to resolve the indicator and track colors for this [LevelIndicator] in different states |
strokeWidth | The stroke width for the indicator and track strokes |
sweepAngle | The angle covered by the curved LevelIndicator |
reverseDirection | Reverses direction of PositionIndicator if true |
fun LevelIndicator(
value: () -> Int,
valueProgression: IntProgression,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
enabled: Boolean = true,
colors: LevelIndicatorColors = LevelIndicatorDefaults.colors(),
strokeWidth: Dp = LevelIndicatorDefaults.StrokeWidth,
sweepAngle: Float = LevelIndicatorDefaults.SweepAngle,
reverseDirection: Boolean = false,
name | description |
value | Current value of the Stepper. If outside of [valueProgression] provided, value will be coerced to this range. |
modifier | Modifier to be applied to the component |
valueProgression | Progression of values that [LevelIndicator] value can take. Consists of rangeStart, rangeEnd and step. Range will be equally divided by step size |
enabled | Controls the enabled state of [LevelIndicator] - when false, disabled colors will be used. |
colors | [LevelIndicatorColors] that will be used to resolve the indicator and track colors for this [LevelIndicator] in different states |
strokeWidth | The stroke width for the indicator and track strokes |
sweepAngle | The angle covered by the curved LevelIndicator |
reverseDirection | Reverses direction of PositionIndicator if true |
Code Examples
fun StepperSample() {
var value by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(2f) }
val valueRange = 0f..4f
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
Stepper(value = value, onValueChange = { value = it }, valueRange = valueRange, steps = 7) {
Text(String.format("Value: %.1f".format(value)))
value = { value },
valueRange = valueRange,
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterStart)
fun StepperWithIntegerSample() {
var value by remember { mutableIntStateOf(3) }
val valueProgression = 0..10
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
value = value,
onValueChange = { value = it },
valueProgression = valueProgression
) {
Text(String.format("Value: %d".format(value)))
value = { value },
valueProgression = valueProgression,
modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.CenterStart)