Modifier in Compose Foundation
Configures the current node and any children nodes as a Content Receiver.
Content in this context refers to a [TransferableContent] that could be received from another app through Drag-and-Drop, Copy/Paste, or from the Software Keyboard.
There is no pre-filtering for the received content by media type, e.g. software Keyboard would assume that the app can handle any content that's sent to it. Therefore, it's crucial to check the received content's type and other related information before reading and processing it. Please refer to [TransferableContent.hasMediaType] and [TransferableContent.clipMetadata] to learn more about how to do proper checks on the received item.
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun Modifier.contentReceiver(receiveContentListener: ReceiveContentListener): Modifier
name | description |
receiveContentListener | Listener to respond to the receive event. This interface also includes a set of callbacks for certain Drag-and-Drop state changes. Please checkout [ReceiveContentListener] docs for an explanation of each callback. |
Code Example
fun ReceiveContentFullSample() {
val state = rememberTextFieldState()
var images by remember { mutableStateOf<List<ImageBitmap>>(emptyList()) }
var dragging by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var hovering by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
Column {
Row { images.forEach { Image(bitmap = it, contentDescription = null) } }
state = state,
modifier =
when {
dragging -> Color.Red
hovering -> Color.Green
else -> MaterialTheme.colors.background
receiveContentListener =
object : ReceiveContentListener {
override fun onDragStart() {
dragging = true
override fun onDragEnd() {
hovering = false
dragging = false
override fun onDragEnter() {
hovering = true
override fun onDragExit() {
hovering = false
override fun onReceive(
transferableContent: TransferableContent
): TransferableContent? {
if (!transferableContent.hasMediaType(MediaType.Image)) {
return transferableContent
val newImages = mutableListOf<ImageBitmap>()
return transferableContent
.consume { item ->
// only consume this item if we can read an imageBitmap
item.readImageBitmap()?.let {
newImages += it
} ?: false
.also { images = newImages }