Modifier in Compose Ui
Creates a [graphicsLayer] that draws a shadow. The [elevation] defines the visual depth of the physical object. The physical object has a shape specified by [shape].
If the passed [shape] is concave the shadow will not be drawn on Android versions less than 10.
Note that [elevation] is only affecting the shadow size and doesn't change the drawing order. Use a [androidx.compose.ui.zIndex] modifier if you want to draw the elements with larger [elevation] after all the elements with a smaller one.
Usage of this API renders this composable into a separate graphics layer
Last updated:
dependencies {
"Replace with shadow which accepts ambientColor and spotColor parameters",
"Modifier.shadow(elevation, shape, clip, DefaultShadowColor, DefaultShadowColor)",
fun Modifier.shadow(
elevation: Dp,
shape: Shape = RectangleShape,
clip: Boolean = elevation > 0.dp
name | description |
elevation | The elevation for the shadow in pixels |
shape | Defines a shape of the physical object |
clip | When active, the content drawing clips to the shape. |
fun Modifier.shadow(
elevation: Dp,
shape: Shape = RectangleShape,
clip: Boolean = elevation > 0.dp,
ambientColor: Color = DefaultShadowColor,
spotColor: Color = DefaultShadowColor,
name | description |
elevation | The elevation for the shadow in pixels |
shape | Defines a shape of the physical object |
clip | When active, the content drawing clips to the shape. |
ambientColor | Color of the ambient shadow drawn when [elevation] > 0f |
spotColor | Color of the spot shadow that is drawn when [elevation] > 0f |
Code Example
fun ShadowSample() {
Box(Modifier.shadow(12.dp, RectangleShape).size(100.dp, 100.dp))