Modifier in Wear Material Compose
Enable swipe gestures between a set of predefined states.
To use this, you must provide a map of anchors (in pixels) to states (of type [T]). Note that this map cannot be empty and cannot have two anchors mapped to the same state.
When a swipe is detected, the offset of the [SwipeableState] will be updated with the swipe
delta. You should use this offset to move your content accordingly (see Modifier.offsetPx
When the swipe ends, the offset will be animated to one of the anchors and when that anchor is
reached, the value of the [SwipeableState] will also be updated to the state corresponding to the
new anchor. The target anchor is calculated based on the provided positional [thresholds].
Swiping is constrained between the minimum and maximum anchors. If the user attempts to swipe
past these bounds, a resistance effect will be applied by default. The amount of resistance at
each edge is specified by the [resistance] config. To disable all resistance, set it to null
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun <T> Modifier.swipeable(
state: SwipeableState<T>,
anchors: Map<Float, T>,
orientation: Orientation,
enabled: Boolean = true,
reverseDirection: Boolean = false,
interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource? = null,
thresholds: (from: T, to: T) -> ThresholdConfig = { _, _ -> FractionalThreshold(0.5f) },
resistance: ResistanceConfig? = resistanceConfig(anchors.keys),
velocityThreshold: Dp = VelocityThreshold
): Modifier
name | description |
T | The type of the state. |
state | The state of the [swipeable]. |
anchors | Pairs of anchors and states, used to map anchors to states and vice versa. |
thresholds | Specifies where the thresholds between the states are. The thresholds will be used to determine which state to animate to when swiping stops. This is represented as a lambda that takes two states and returns the threshold between them in the form of a [ThresholdConfig]. Note that the order of the states corresponds to the swipe direction. |
orientation | The orientation in which the [swipeable] can be swiped. |
enabled | Whether this [swipeable] is enabled and should react to the user's input. |
reverseDirection | Whether to reverse the direction of the swipe, so a top to bottom swipe will behave like bottom to top, and a left to right swipe will behave like right to left. |
interactionSource | Optional [MutableInteractionSource] that will passed on to the internal [Modifier.draggable]. |
resistance | Controls how much resistance will be applied when swiping past the bounds. |
velocityThreshold | The threshold (in dp per second) that the end velocity has to exceed in order to animate to the next state, even if the positional [thresholds] have not been reached. |