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Component in Wear Material Compose

Wear Material [SwipeToDismissBox] that handles the swipe-to-dismiss gesture. Takes a single slot for the background (only displayed during the swipe gesture) and the foreground content.

Last updated:


dependencies {


fun SwipeToDismissBox(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    backgroundScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
    contentScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
    backgroundKey: Any = SwipeToDismissKeys.Background,
    contentKey: Any = SwipeToDismissKeys.Content,
    hasBackground: Boolean = true,
    content: @Composable BoxScope.(isBackground: Boolean) -> Unit


stateState containing information about ongoing swipe or animation.
modifierOptional [Modifier] for this component.
backgroundScrimColorColor for background scrim
contentScrimColorOptional [Color] used for the scrim over the content composable during the swipe gesture.
backgroundKeyOptional [key] which identifies the content currently composed in the [content] block when isBackground == true. Provide the backgroundKey if your background content will be displayed as a foreground after the swipe animation ends (as is common when [SwipeToDismissBox] is used for the navigation). This allows remembered state to be correctly moved between background and foreground.
contentKeyOptional [key] which identifies the content currently composed in the [content] block when isBackground == false. See [backgroundKey].
hasBackgroundOptional [Boolean] used to indicate if the content has no background, in which case the swipe gesture is disabled (since there is no parent destination).
contentSlot for content, with the isBackground parameter enabling content to be displayed behind the foreground content - the background is normally hidden, is shown behind a scrim during the swipe gesture, and is shown without scrim once the finger passes the swipe-to-dismiss threshold.
    "This overload is provided for backwards compatibility. " +
        "A newer overload is available that uses " +
    replaceWith =
            "SwipeToDismissBox(" +
                "state, modifier, backgroundScrimColor, contentScrimColor, backgroundKey, contentKey," +
                "hasBackground, content)"
fun SwipeToDismissBox(
    state: SwipeToDismissBoxState,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    backgroundScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
    contentScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
    backgroundKey: Any = SwipeToDismissKeys.Background,
    contentKey: Any = SwipeToDismissKeys.Content,
    hasBackground: Boolean = true,
    content: @Composable BoxScope.(isBackground: Boolean) -> Unit


stateState containing information about ongoing swipe or animation.
modifierOptional [Modifier] for this component.
backgroundScrimColorColor for background scrim
contentScrimColorOptional [Color] used for the scrim over the content composable during the swipe gesture.
backgroundKeyOptional [key] which identifies the content currently composed in the [content] block when isBackground == true. Provide the backgroundKey if your background content will be displayed as a foreground after the swipe animation ends (as is common when [SwipeToDismissBox] is used for the navigation). This allows remembered state to be correctly moved between background and foreground.
contentKeyOptional [key] which identifies the content currently composed in the [content] block when isBackground == false. See [backgroundKey].
hasBackgroundOptional [Boolean] used to indicate if the content has no background, in which case the swipe gesture is disabled (since there is no parent destination).
contentSlot for content, with the isBackground parameter enabling content to be displayed behind the foreground content - the background is normally hidden, is shown behind a scrim during the swipe gesture, and is shown without scrim once the finger passes the swipe-to-dismiss threshold.
fun SwipeToDismissBox(
    onDismissed: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    state: =,
    backgroundScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
    contentScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
    backgroundKey: Any = SwipeToDismissKeys.Background,
    contentKey: Any = SwipeToDismissKeys.Content,
    hasBackground: Boolean = true,
    content: @Composable BoxScope.(isBackground: Boolean) -> Unit


onDismissedExecutes when the swipe to dismiss has completed.
modifierOptional [Modifier] for this component.
stateState containing information about ongoing swipe or animation.
backgroundScrimColorColor for background scrim
contentScrimColorOptional [Color] used for the scrim over the content composable during the swipe gesture.
backgroundKeyOptional [key] which identifies the content currently composed in the [content] block when isBackground == true. Provide the backgroundKey if your background content will be displayed as a foreground after the swipe animation ends (as is common when [SwipeToDismissBox] is used for the navigation). This allows remembered state to be correctly moved between background and foreground.
contentKeyOptional [key] which identifies the content currently composed in the [content] block when isBackground == false. See [backgroundKey].
hasBackgroundOptional [Boolean] used to indicate if the content has no background, in which case the swipe gesture is disabled (since there is no parent destination).
contentSlot for content, with the isBackground parameter enabling content to be displayed behind the foreground content - the background is normally hidden, is shown behind a scrim during the swipe gesture, and is shown without scrim once the finger passes the swipe-to-dismiss threshold.
    "This overload is provided for backwards compatibility. " +
        "A newer overload is available that uses " +
    replaceWith =
            "SwipeToDismissBox(" +
                "onDismiss, modifier, state, backgroundScrimColor, contentScrimColor, backgroundKey," +
                "contentKey, hasBackground, content)"
    level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
fun SwipeToDismissBox(
    onDismissed: () -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    state: SwipeToDismissBoxState = rememberSwipeToDismissBoxState(),
    backgroundScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
    contentScrimColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.background,
    backgroundKey: Any = SwipeToDismissKeys.Background,
    contentKey: Any = SwipeToDismissKeys.Content,
    hasBackground: Boolean = true,
    content: @Composable BoxScope.(isBackground: Boolean) -> Unit


onDismissedExecutes when the swipe to dismiss has completed.
modifierOptional [Modifier] for this component.
stateState containing information about ongoing swipe or animation.
backgroundScrimColorColor for background scrim
contentScrimColorOptional [Color] used for the scrim over the content composable during the swipe gesture.
backgroundKeyOptional [key] which identifies the content currently composed in the [content] block when isBackground == true. Provide the backgroundKey if your background content will be displayed as a foreground after the swipe animation ends (as is common when [SwipeToDismissBox] is used for the navigation). This allows remembered state to be correctly moved between background and foreground.
contentKeyOptional [key] which identifies the content currently composed in the [content] block when isBackground == false. See [backgroundKey].
hasBackgroundOptional [Boolean] used to indicate if the content has no background, in which case the swipe gesture is disabled (since there is no parent destination).
contentSlot for content, with the isBackground parameter enabling content to be displayed behind the foreground content - the background is normally hidden, is shown behind a scrim during the swipe gesture, and is shown without scrim once the finger passes the swipe-to-dismiss threshold.

Code Examples


fun StatefulSwipeToDismissBox() {
    // State for managing a 2-level navigation hierarchy between
    // MainScreen and ItemScreen composables.
    // Alternatively, use SwipeDismissableNavHost from wear.compose.navigation.
    var showMainScreen by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
    val saveableStateHolder = rememberSaveableStateHolder()

    // Swipe gesture dismisses ItemScreen to return to MainScreen.
    val state = rememberSwipeToDismissBoxState()
    LaunchedEffect(state.currentValue) {
        if (state.currentValue == SwipeToDismissValue.Dismissed) {
            showMainScreen = !showMainScreen

    // Hierarchy is ListScreen -> ItemScreen, so we show ListScreen as the background behind
    // the ItemScreen, otherwise there's no background to show.
        state = state,
        hasBackground = !showMainScreen,
        backgroundKey = if (!showMainScreen) "MainKey" else "Background",
        contentKey = if (showMainScreen) "MainKey" else "ItemKey",
    ) { isBackground ->
        if (isBackground || showMainScreen) {
            // Best practice would be to use State Hoisting and leave this composable stateless.
            // Here, we want to support MainScreen being shown from different destinations
            // (either in the foreground or in the background during swiping) - that can be achieved
            // using SaveableStateHolder and rememberSaveable as shown below.
                key = "MainKey",
                content = {
                    // Composable that maintains its own state
                    // and can be shown in foreground or background.
                    val checked = rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(true) }
                        modifier =
                            Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(horizontal = 8.dp, vertical = 8.dp),
                        verticalArrangement =
                            Arrangement.spacedBy(4.dp, Alignment.CenterVertically),
                    ) {
                            checked = checked.value,
                            label = { Text("Item details") },
                            modifier = Modifier.height(40.dp),
                            onCheckedChange = { v -> checked.value = v },
                            onClick = { showMainScreen = false },
                            toggleControl = {
                                    imageVector =
                                        ToggleChipDefaults.checkboxIcon(checked = checked.value),
                                    contentDescription = null,
        } else {
                modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(MaterialTheme.colors.primary),
                horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
                verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
            ) {
                Text("Show details here...", color = MaterialTheme.colors.onPrimary)
                Text("Swipe right to dismiss", color = MaterialTheme.colors.onPrimary)


fun EdgeSwipeForSwipeToDismiss(navigateBack: () -> Unit) {
    val state = rememberSwipeToDismissBoxState()

    // When using Modifier.edgeSwipeToDismiss, it is required that the element on which the
    // modifier applies exists within a SwipeToDismissBox which shares the same state.
    SwipeToDismissBox(state = state, onDismissed = navigateBack) { isBackground ->
        val horizontalScrollState = rememberScrollState(0)
        if (isBackground) {
            Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(MaterialTheme.colors.secondaryVariant))
        } else {
            Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
                    modifier =
                    text =
                        "This text can be scrolled horizontally - to dismiss, swipe " +
                            "right from the left edge of the screen (called Edge Swiping)",


fun SimpleSwipeToDismissBox(navigateBack: () -> Unit) {
    val state = rememberSwipeToDismissBoxState()
    SwipeToDismissBox(state = state, onDismissed = navigateBack) { isBackground ->
        if (isBackground) {
            Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(MaterialTheme.colors.secondaryVariant))
        } else {
                modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(MaterialTheme.colors.primary),
                horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
                verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
            ) {
                Text("Swipe right to dismiss", color = MaterialTheme.colors.onPrimary)
by @alexstyl