Modifier in Material Compose
A nested scroll modifier that provides scroll events to [state].
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun Modifier.pullRefresh(state: PullRefreshState, enabled: Boolean = true)
name | description |
state | The [PullRefreshState] associated with this pull-to-refresh component. The state will be updated by this modifier. |
enabled | If not enabled, all scroll delta and fling velocity will be ignored. |
fun Modifier.pullRefresh(
onPull: (pullDelta: Float) -> Float,
onRelease: suspend (flingVelocity: Float) -> Float,
enabled: Boolean = true
name | description |
onPull | Callback for dispatching vertical scroll delta, takes float pullDelta as argument. Positive delta (pulling down) is dispatched only if the child does not consume it (i.e. pulling down despite being at the top of a scrollable component), whereas negative delta (swiping up) is dispatched first (in case it is needed to push the indicator back up), and then the unconsumed delta is passed on to the child. The callback returns how much delta was consumed. |
onRelease | Callback for when drag is released, takes float flingVelocity as argument. The callback returns how much velocity was consumed - in most cases this should only consume velocity if pull refresh has been dragged already and the velocity is positive (the fling is downwards), as an upwards fling should typically still scroll a scrollable component beneath the pullRefresh. This is invoked before any remaining velocity is passed to the child. |
enabled | If not enabled, all scroll delta and fling velocity will be ignored and neither [onPull] nor [onRelease] will be invoked. |
Code Examples
fun PullRefreshSample() {
val refreshScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
var refreshing by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var itemCount by remember { mutableStateOf(15) }
fun refresh() =
refreshScope.launch {
refreshing = true
itemCount += 5
refreshing = false
val state = rememberPullRefreshState(refreshing, ::refresh)
Box(Modifier.pullRefresh(state)) {
LazyColumn(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
if (!refreshing) {
items(itemCount) { ListItem { Text(text = "Item ${itemCount - it}") } }
PullRefreshIndicator(refreshing, state, Modifier.align(Alignment.TopCenter))
* An example to show how [pullRefresh] could be used to build a custom pull to refresh component.
fun CustomPullRefreshSample() {
val refreshScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val threshold = with(LocalDensity.current) { 160.dp.toPx() }
var refreshing by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
var itemCount by remember { mutableStateOf(15) }
var currentDistance by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
val progress = currentDistance / threshold
fun refresh() =
refreshScope.launch {
refreshing = true
itemCount += 5
refreshing = false
fun onPull(pullDelta: Float): Float =
when {
refreshing -> 0f
else -> {
val newOffset = (currentDistance + pullDelta).coerceAtLeast(0f)
val dragConsumed = newOffset - currentDistance
currentDistance = newOffset
fun onRelease(velocity: Float): Float {
if (refreshing) return 0f // Already refreshing - don't call refresh again.
if (currentDistance > threshold) refresh()
refreshScope.launch {
animate(initialValue = currentDistance, targetValue = 0f) { value, _ ->
currentDistance = value
// Only consume if the fling is downwards and the indicator is visible
return if (velocity > 0f && currentDistance > 0f) {
} else {
Box(Modifier.pullRefresh(::onPull, ::onRelease)) {
LazyColumn {
if (!refreshing) {
items(itemCount) { ListItem { Text(text = "Item ${itemCount - it}") } }
// Custom progress indicator
AnimatedVisibility(visible = (refreshing || progress > 0)) {
if (refreshing) {
} else {
LinearProgressIndicator(progress, Modifier.fillMaxWidth())