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Component in Wear Material 3 Compose

Indeterminate Material Design arc progress indicator.

Indeterminate progress indicator expresses an unspecified wait time and animates indefinitely. This overload provides a variation over the usual circular spinner by allowing the start and end angles to be specified.

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dependencies {


fun ArcProgressIndicator(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    startAngle: Float = ArcProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndeterminateStartAngle,
    endAngle: Float = ArcProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndeterminateEndAngle,
    angularDirection: AngularDirection = AngularDirection.CounterClockwise,
    colors: ProgressIndicatorColors = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.colors(),
    strokeWidth: Dp = ArcProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndeterminateStrokeWidth,
    gapSize: Dp = ArcProgressIndicatorDefaults.calculateRecommendedGapSize(strokeWidth),


modifierModifier to be applied to the ArcProgressIndicator.
startAnglethe start angle of this progress indicator arc (specified in degrees). It is recommended to use [ArcProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndeterminateStartAngle]. Measured clockwise from the three o'clock position.
endAnglethe end angle of this progress indicator arc (specified in degrees). It is recommended to use [ArcProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndeterminateEndAngle]. Measured clockwise from the three o'clock position.
angularDirectionDetermines whether the animation is in the clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.
colors[ProgressIndicatorColors] that will be used to resolve the indicator and track color for this progress indicator.
strokeWidthThe stroke width for the progress indicator. The recommended value is [ArcProgressIndicatorDefaults.IndeterminateStrokeWidth].
gapSizeThe size (in Dp) of the gap between the ends of the progress indicator and the track. The stroke end caps are not included in this distance.

Code Example


fun IndeterminateProgressArcSample() {
    Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
            modifier =
by @alexstyl