Modifier in Material 3 Compose
A Modifier that adds nested scroll to a container to support a pull-to-refresh gesture. When the user pulls a distance greater than [threshold] and releases the gesture, [onRefresh] is invoked. [PullToRefreshBox] applies this automatically.
Last updated:
dependencies {
fun Modifier.pullToRefresh(
isRefreshing: Boolean,
state: PullToRefreshState,
enabled: Boolean = true,
threshold: Dp = PullToRefreshDefaults.PositionalThreshold,
onRefresh: () -> Unit,
): Modifier
name | description |
isRefreshing | whether a refresh is occurring or not, if there is no gesture in progress when isRefreshing is false the state.distanceFraction will animate to 0f, otherwise it will animate to 1f |
state | state that keeps track of the distance pulled |
enabled | whether nested scroll events should be consumed by this modifier |
threshold | how much distance can be scrolled down before [onRefresh] is invoked |
onRefresh | callback that is invoked when the distance pulled is greater than [threshold] |